Know Your Profs is an ongoing series of articles helping you get to know the instructors at Camosun College a bit better. Got someone you want to see interviewed? Email and we’ll get on it.
This time around we caught up with marketing and business instructor Anne Borrowman and talked about pressures, wine, and losing USB sticks.
1: What do you teach and how long have you been a teacher at Camosun?
I teach marketing and business communication courses in the School of Business Marketing Department and started at Camosun in January 2009 as a term instructor.
2: What do you personally get out of teaching?
Lifelong learning through professional development, colleagues, and students.
3: What’s one thing you wish your students knew about you?
That I understand pressures of balancing school with work, family, and hobbies. Guess what? The balancing act never ends.

4: What’s one thing you wish they didn’t know about you?
This might be a better question for the students…
5: What’s the best thing that’s happened to you as a teacher here?
When students ask me to be a job reference, I get the call, and they get the job!
6: What’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to you as a teacher here?
Leaving my USB stick in the class computer; where did that thing go?
7: What do you see in the future of postsecondary education?
More courses offered online or in a blended format.
8: What do you do to relax on the weekends?
I really like to be outside: bike riding. In bad weather, I’ll go to the gym. Give me the newspaper on Saturday and Sunday mornings and I’ll see you in a couple of hours.
9: What’s yourĘfavorite meal?
BBQ steak, grilled mushrooms and peppers, and a fresh spinach salad. Did I mention a nice bottle of wine?
10: What’s your biggest pet peeve?
Technology, when it doesn’t work.