Choosing your own band name can be liberating: musicians have the opportunity to create their own image with what they name their group. In Jimmy Eat World’s case, they didn’t choose their name based on their musical capabilities; they chose it because of a hilarious moment in time, long ago.
Some may speculate whether the name is in reference to vocalist/guitarist Jim Adkins, but, in fact, the “Jimmy” in the band name is in reference to guitarist Tom Linton’s little brother, Jim.
“When we were trying to figure out our band in 1993, my two little brothers Ed and Jim got in a big fight,” says Linton. “Jim, who was a bit larger at the time, won and locked himself in his bedroom afterwards, so Ed drew a picture of Jim eating the world and wrote ‘Jimmy Eat World’ on it.”

Jimmy Eat World have been around for more than 20 years now, but the band members were connected far before that.
“[Bassist] Rick [Burch] and I met when we were 12 years old, and Jim and [drummer] Zach [Lind] met when they were in preschool,” says Linton. “Although we were each connected in some way or another, it wasn’t until outside sources connected us in high school that we formed as a band.”
For each album Jimmy Eat World puts out, they have different goals making it unique from the last. Right now their main goal is to write and produce music faster than ever.
“Even though our lifestyle is pretty busy on the road, usually en route to the next destination right after a concert, we’ll most likely write a lot of music for our next album while we’re on the road,” says Linton.
Some of the bands that first influenced Jimmy Eat World’s sound are Duran Duran, NOFX, and Sonic Youth, although all of the music they listen to helps them define themselves.
“Basically every musician we listen to and every interaction we encounter in life influences our writing,” explains Linton. “Lots of our lyrics reflect conversations we’ve had or overheard.”
Jimmy Eat World has had many pivotal experiences as a band, from their first show to their first album, and, eventually, their first festival.
“I love playing at festivals because it gives us a chance to share and experience other bands. When we play alone we don’t get that same opportunity, so festivals always excite us,” says Linton.
For the upcoming Rock the Shores festival, Jimmy Eat World will be reunited with Weezer, a band that were on the same bill as Linton’s most memorable concert.
“When our album Bleed America came out, we went on tour with Tenacious D and Weezer,” says Linton. “This was a big deal for us as it was one of the first really big shows we played.”
Rock the Shores (featuring Jimmy Eat World)
July 13-14
Juan de Fuca Rec Centre