The Foreigner visits Victoria

Arts Web Exclusive

There’s a moment in most peoples’ lives when they wish they didn’t speak (or understand) the English language. In The Foreigner, the main character pretends just that… and gets away with it.

Director Toshik Bukowiecki says Larry Shue’s play is a perfect way to conclude the 2011/2012 Langham Court Theatre season.

“It’s a wonderful play and a lovely comedy. This is a feel-good piece and it’s a great way to wrap up our 83rd season,” says Bukowiecki.

The Foreigner is about a pathologically shy gentleman, Charlie, who is coerced into going to a fishing lodge for a weekend. Unfortunately for him, his companion, Froggy, must leave unexpectedly. In an attempt to comfort his shy friend, Froggy tells the lodge staff that Charlie is a foreigner and cannot speak or understand English. This results in Charlie becoming a confidant, overhearing scheming plots, and even an attempt at “learning” English.

Yup, The Foreigner looks zany, all right (photo provided).

“This is the kind of play that is a very satisfying evening of entertainment,” says Bukowiecki. “It has lots of laughs, and tender and feel-good moments in it.”

One of the plots involves the Ku Klux Klan, but—amazingly—that doesn’t keep the play from being family friendly. Bukowiecki says there’s no need to alter the script, because it’s so well written.

“It’s very straight-forward, what the intention of the play is,” says Bukowiecki. “In fact, in the back of the script, Shue makes some very clear recommendations on what needs to be done to make the play work the way he intended it; frankly, I don’t think there’s any need to tamper with it, because it works very well.”

Everybody loves a story where the nice guys win and the corrupt fail. The Foreigner is just that.

“The good guys all have wonderful journeys where they come out as more fulfilled human beings, and the bad guys get beaten,” says Bukowiecki. “Who doesn’t like a happy ending?”

The Foreigner
June 14 – June 30 (except on Sundays and Mondays)
Langham Court Theatre