It was a good day for freedom. The sky above Victoria’s Inner Harbour was the blue of a spring robin’s egg as a breeze, only slightly tinged by winter, played through the crowd of marchers in support of BC’s teachers, who were making their way towards the Legislative lawns.

Many groups of concerned people were represented. Camosun College students were out in force, as were many other groups, from environmentalists to mental health advocates. And, of course, the teachers were there.
As Canadians we enjoy freedoms many other citizens can only dream about. Because of this we’re almost duty-bound to demonstrate against a perceived infringement of our human rights: rights fought for us all in the very halls now walked by politicians attempting to bulldoze us all under the pursuit of corporate profit.
Our teachers have risked it all to take up the banner for our children. Even if you’re not a parent you have to appreciate the complex role teachers have in helping to raise Canadian kids. It’s time to defend this beleaguered group. If we don’t and if the federal and provincial governments have their way, disadvantaged adults will be the only logical outcome.
Tuesday’s rally was a dynamic representation of the quiet Canadian who’s worried about the fate of their fellow patriots. It was an honour to be a part of.